Saturday, September 22, 2018

Heads Up: Autumn.

It's officially Fall as of today, and here's your reminder that The Prestons will be performing at the Pothole Pictures series in Shelburne Falls on Saturday, November 3rd. We'll be playing a half-hour set of our smash hits starting at 7pm, before that evening's screening of Chocolat.

We are an all-volunteer-run, non-profit, community movie house and we’ve been showing the best in classic, foreign, and independent films on the BIG screen in our historic, century-old 420-seat Memorial Hall Theater (at 51 Bridge Street – above Town Hall – in Shelburne Falls, MA) since 1995. We have frequent special events like “Meet the Filmmaker” nights and collaborations with local community organizations. Live, local musical acts play on stage for half-an-hour before each film. Admission is $6 for adults and $4 for kids under 12.