Saturday, September 14, 2024

14 September - 15 November

If you click this link to jump over to the Luthiers Co-Op site, you will see that they have a heading named "calendar." And if you choose that, and travel forward in time to November, check out the listing for the 15th. It's going to be an outstanding night of quality Pioneer Valley entertainment. If you're in the 413 (or within a reasonable drive to get there), you really shouldn't miss this one.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

4 September - Still More Summer Fun

And here we have yet another fine review of my recent Bandcamp offering. This one is on a music blog called Bloggerhythms, which is a great name in itself. Please click here if you'd like to read it.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

1 September - More Summer Fun

What a nice way to start a new month. Another favorable review for my recent Summer Fun release has surfaced, this time on Power Popaholic