Tuesday, November 19, 2024

19 November - A Fond Farewell

Here's a screenshot of the events I played with the Group DeVille Trio and The Mistress Miriam Show this year. If you were at any of the three GDV3 gigs, congratulations. You were witness to one of our final performances.

The three of us got together last night for one of our monthly sessions, and after much consideration, we have decided to no longer perform as a band. From now on, we're just three friends who'll get together from time to time for coffee, an occasional lunch out, or a dinner party with our spouses. And yes, we may even drag the instruments out now and then and make some music. But no more regular practice schedule, and no more shows. It's time.

The photo above is one a friend took of us during the July show at Angel Park. Oddly enough, we had talked back then about possibly making that gig our last hurrah. Turns out it was. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

13 November - Rehearsal

No, I'm not going to post about the elections that were held last week here in the States. There's plenty being said about that elsewhere.

Today I'm just stopping by to note that we're rehearsing this afternoon for the gig we have on Friday. It will be our last scheduled performance in 2024, and that seems worthy of mention. In the weeks to follow, we'll be working on new material for the act, but also simply enjoying the upcoming holiday season until we resume playing out again in the new year.

Hey, know what I will also mention? How much I love being a part of this. It's unlike any other act I've been involved with before. This isn't a rock band. It isn't any kind of band. It's a Show.

Playing with The Mistress Miriam Show has broadened my approach to music and performance. My guitar technique has grown and strengthened, partly out of necessity, but mostly out of the pure joy of learning new styles of play. Our interaction on the stage is remarkable. Natural. We absolutely own it while we're up there. And as I'm not being the "frontman" in this, I can concentrate on the harmonies, my favorite part of singing in a group.

Fun? It's a F'ing blast.

Friday, November 1, 2024

1 November - Excited

Exactly two weeks from right now (as I type this, in fact), I will be getting ready to take the stage with The Mistress Miriam Show over at Luthiers Co-Op in Easthampton. We go on at 8pm. "Not to be missed," as Miriam says, but if you DO miss this one, we'll be back at Luthiers in February.