M: Eric Johnson - Ah Via Musicom
T: The Go-Go's - God Bless The Go-Go's
W: Beck - Odelay
F: Gentle Hen - The Bells on the Boats on the Bay
This Friday: This 2016 Rub Wrongways release from Henning Ohlenbusch's marvelous band Gentle Hen is a gem. It's lighthearted and poignant all at once, and I adore the arrangements and vocals that surround and support Henning's voice. A particular fave is "Somebody Else's Problem," but they're all a ton of fun. By the way, I can promise you now that you're going to see many discs in these posts that come from the stable of musicians and songwriters that make up the roster at Rub Wrongways Records. Which is also Henning's record label. No it's not. Inside joke. Go listen.