Friday, March 13, 2020

13 March - Cancellation

This past Saturday, some wag on Twitter pointed out that this was going to be an odd week. Daylight savings on Sunday, a full moon on Monday, and then Friday the 13th. And while such an alignment can be amusing, simply throw in the threat of COVID-19, and we have even more weight behind the weird.

Speaking of which, tonight's gig (The Prestons and Jim K at the Friday Night Cafe) has been cancelled by the venue/organizers thanks to Coronavirus concerns. And although we're disappointed about not playing, it was the right choice.

Stay home, stay healthy. We'll see you when we can.

This Week's Commute:
M: Aerosmith - Pump
T: Dire Straits - On Every Street
W: The Replacements - Hootenanny 
F: Bangles - September Gurls